How Onward BTC can make any beginner an expert in trading in less than a month

8 min readSep 3, 2021


Spoiler alert — Cryptocurrency trading can be complicated.

No form of investment has taken the world by storm like cryptocurrency. Growth in the cryptocurrency market came through the dark clouds of the pandemic and has escalated to unprecedented heights.

And the entire world is loving it!

Crypto is changing how we look at currency, from cryptocurrency utilizing blockchain technology to bringing in high-yielding returns like no other investment instrument.

This hype in cryptocurrencies is also bringing in new investors to the investor center. A majority of these new investors are Gen Z and Millennials who are making their first-ever investment decision.

But if you are getting started right now, entering the world of cryptocurrency trading can be confusing.

Trading is an art on its own, and for starters, it can be a bit overwhelming, and you might be eventually lost. To be successful, you will need to grasp the market and bring in a winning strategy.

But when you get started, it is entirely okay not to have a winning strategy — nobody ever had.

However, that does not mean that you need to miss out. With a bit of help from a Crypto Trading Signal, you can get easy access to professional advice and kickstart your cryptocurrency investment in no time.

What are Crypto Trading Signals?

Bitcoin in the form of a Bat-Signal appearing from Slovakia’s Central Bank. Photo by Bitcoinist

A Crypto Trading Signal will break down the nitty-gritty of the overwhelmingly complex crypto market by experienced crypto traders. These experts will help you understand the entry, exit, and stop-loss signals, bringing you into the first few rows of crypto traders.

It is a collective community of pros that will be providing you the necessary advice, inside information, and guidance to steer through the market.

But, choosing the right Crypto Trading Signal is as essential as everything else. With the influx of traders, mal-functioning and irregular Crypto Signals are also on the rise.

The decisions from such collectives can ultimately bring you adverse outcomes. But a safe and reliable signal can be the single best decision you will make after choosing to invest, and Onward BTC will be the right platform to complement your move.

Leading the Charge — Onward BTC! official website

Of all the exceptional crypto signals out there, Onward BTC has a special place ahead of the rest.

Onward BTC is an all-in-one package with everything you need to know when it comes to understanding markets, helping you build a profitable investment portfolio.

It connects with you through Telegram like every other leading Crypto Signal platform. The platform opens up nine different Telegram channels for investors to dive into and make informed decisions. The platform also comes equipped with extensions for three other trading bots to make trades for you.

Onward BTC is all about inclusion, and they go to the extent of adding this on their mission statement that their “goal is for everyone, whether beginner or expert, is to trade crypto profitably.”

The team of four bring in a unique skill or expertise of their own to the table. The quadrant was just like you, a few years back getting started in their investor journey. Later, they progressed to be experienced cryptocurrency traders and climbed the ladder of success.

Now, their objective is to help the rest of the community get through that same ladder, but faster.

While their expertise can differ, their objective remains the same — to empower the next generation of cryptocurrency investors and grow the community.

Getting Started

The platform currently integrates with ByBit, one of the safest and easiest platforms to carry out trades. It ticks the boxes that need to be there in a cryptocurrency exchange, along with its low trading fees.

The exchange has an overall rating of 4.7 out of 5, which is exceptional.

OnwardBTC works with ByBit — a top-rated cryptocurrency exchange

Getting started with Onward BTC is quite simplified once you have your BytBit account created. BytBit requires minimal information to start, but you will need to fill in the rest after creating the account.

Once you fund the account, you can head over to Onward BTC and send across your user id, and get started. Once the process is complete, every user gets a free month of premium membership for an initial look and feel.

Your journey starts when you get access to the Onward BTC Channels, and that journey might be one of the most crucial life-awakening ones that you’d ever take.

Onward BTC the Buy-ins and the Opt-outs

It might be complicated to choose whether Onward BTC is the right option for you. So I’ve done the needful of listing down five important buy-ins to select the Onward BTC Signal over the rest, especially as a beginner.

1 All Options FREE for 1 Month

Onwards BTC comes with an advantage that most other platforms do not have. You might have seen the ‘freemium’ Crypto Signal platforms that provide a limited set of options that are hardly enough to get a grasp on the experience.

But Onward BTC is different. Onward BTC understands that the individuals coming on board will are just starting their cryptocurrency investment journey and have second thoughts on how everything works.

Every user will get unrestricted access for the first month to get the feel. All new users will have access to the nine different Telegram Channels on offer, the three other trading bots with Cornix, and the 24/7 assistance — all FREE.

2 It’s only $19.50

Now that you know about Crypto Signals, I would open a challenge to find a professional-grade platform in the likes of Onward BTC that would provide the same level of service at $19.50 or less.

You’ll return with ‘0’ results.


Every other platform that offers services of similar capabilities starts at $48.57 or higher. As a starter, your goal is to build momentum and spend as little as possible in the early stages.

If the doubts continue to persist, the option of the free trial is the perfect alternative to give it a run and then decide whether to proceed with payment or not.

3 A Telegram Channel for Every Operative

Onward BTC has nine dedicated Telegram channels, with each serving a unique purpose. Once you sign up, you will receive access to the VIP Chat, which is the primary destination, and then you get to hover around to the technical channels that are made to serve the different requirements in your trading career.

The Technical Analysis channel consists of expert advice on open trades and other important information from the experts.

There is an entire VIP Videos group dedicated to all the learning content associated with trading. This group is what every newbie will fall in love with because it has everything you will ever need to know to get on with your investor journey.

Switch gears, and you will see the Long Term Signals Channel that is a valuable addition for anyone wishing to hold their tokens for long periods.

If you are interested in the day-trader information, the Short Term Signals channel is where you need to be.

4 24/7 Support for all members

The cryptocurrency markets are 24/7, and Onward BTC has got you covered around the clock. Because the markets are highly volatile and constantly changing, you might need assistance in less than a minute to make a trade or prepare for one.

And that’s a promise that Onward BTC admins take seriously. Turnaround time is at a record high on all the Telegram Channels for the VIP members, and all queries get answered in the fastest possible time window.

We all hate the waiting time when we connect to get through to a customer representative online. Onward BTC also hates waiting.

That’s why there is a promise made to answer everyone’s queries as it comes, whatever time it may be.

5 3 Different Bots Ready for Integration

If you sign up for a Cornix subscription, you have another opportunity opening up where you get to take advantage of the Onward BTC automated crypto-trading bots.

Cornix is a crypto trading Telegram bot that works through the messaging service connecting your trading exchange.

The Cornix bot will follow the signals published on Telegram channels directly and make orders on your behalf. The bot will be your invisible hand, and with a simple tap, you get to automate the entire process.

Cornix plans start at 19.90 per month, but by combining Onward BTC and Cornix, you end up pushing the limits for your benefit.

The bot is easily customizable and can be added on three channels allowing you to get the complete advantage of the signals.

No better option than OnwardBTC on the internet.

Use the signals — but don’t stop the learning!

Now that you have the mentors behind you giving advice, actively placing orders, and bringing in the returns for your investment, it can sometimes take you off focus and drift you from learning the marketplace dynamics.

Please don’t do it.

Living with an investment portfolio relying only on the signals isn’t going to help. The signals are a value addition, and use the VIP videos, enhance the knowledge levels, and then leverage the Channels to up your investor game.

Final verdict

If you are an early crypto investor or wanted to get started or having FOMO, you cannot look away from Onward BTC. The solution will set the foundation in your investor journey and get you up to date with everything you need to know about the market and how it works.

The 9 Channels make it easy to access what you want regarding technical information and quick access to the VIP-only videos that drill down all the information.

Onward BTC is here to make life easier and to inspire the crypto investor; if you aren’t exploiting this advantage that also has a month’s of free use, you are missing out, big time.

Convinced enough? Then it’s time to get started!

Head over to ByBit and get your account started up and then make your way to OnwardBTC for the month of FREE Premium access to all the exclusive crypto signals!

Plus, before you get started, get a glimpse of everything on Onward BTC’s Official Telegram Channel!

